January Jones ed i suoi tanti modi di indossare un jeans

Creato il 19 luglio 2013 da Ale @AleFrega

images by http://cdni.condenast.co.uk http://bp.blogspot.com http://img.indafoto.hu January Jones with her blonde hair / ethereal beauty and her different ways to wears a jeans. 1# She is so dandy in black hay and dark sunglasses. She wears black withe polka dot sweater and mixes and  ankle jeans. She mixes them with beige lace shoes and two tone maxi bag. 2# She is sexy even when she walks out with her hands full of shopping bags. She put her hair back into a practical chignon. She  wears withe black polka dot blouse and skinny ankle 3/4 jeans pant. She combines her look with black lace shoes, beige color bag and black lens sunglasses. 3# She carries only one shopping bag! She wears a thin gray tee with ankle jeans. She combines them with vintage lace up shoes and black oversized sunglasses.  Real treat: the bright orange nails. 4# Above all, she is a sweet mom. She wears straight leg jeans with a Scottish plaid print shirt and chooses to put her hair back into a chignon. She combines her look with a pair of velvet slippers shoes. So chic! What is your favorite January Jones' look? January Jones e la sua bellezza bionda, quasi eterea. Un paio di jeans, di volta in volta, diversi per stile e forma.
1# January in versione dandy. Con cappello ed occhiali neri. Maglia, anche questa nera, a pois bianchi e jeans stretti e corti alla caviglia. Stringate di colore beige. Irrinunciabile la maxi bag bicolor.
2# Sexy e sbarazzina anche con le buste della spesa in mano. Immancabili gli occhialoni neri. Capelli raccolti in un pratico chignon. Camicia bianca con piccoli pois neri ed un paio di jeans stretti alla caviglia. Completano il look stringate nere e borsa beige.
3# Questa volta la busta è una sola! Cappello in paglia, che fa subito estate. Maxi occhiali neri. T-shirt grigia e jeans alla caviglia. Stringate old style e shopping bag nera. Vera chicca: lo smalto colorato, di un bellissimo arancione.
4# January Jones versione mamma. Torna lo chignon alto e pratico. Camicia stampa scozzese con jeans gamba dritta. Chicchissime le loafers in velluto.
E voi, quale January preferite?

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