Si susseguono senza soluzione di continuità i top dj che ogni settimana fanno ballare il mondo all'interno del KuMusic Radioshow. Il programma, prodotto, dalla pr agency italiana KuMusic (www.kumusic.it), va in onda in più 25 paesi e ha dalla sua qualcosa come 5 milioni di ascoltatori. Dj guest dell'episodio numero #63 è il giovane dj producer belga Sem Thomasson. Sem Thomasson (www.facebook.com/sem.thomasson). Ha fatto ballare più volte il Tomorrowland, celeberrimo festival del suo paese e pubblicato tracce su label di riferimento come Protocol Recordings, Flamingo Recordings, Stealth Records, Spinnin Records, Ultra Records, Atlantic Records, Global Underground, Universal Music... e remixato brani per star come Steve Aoki, Nelly Furtado and Flo Rida & Jennifer Lopez. Resident Dj Glazersound, Music Selector & Voice MC Fago, Mash up selector Vinioci. pr ltc x KuMusic.
ENGLISH /// KuMusic Radioshow (25 countries e 5 million listeners): #63 dj guest Sem Thomasson/// KuMusic Radio Show episode #63 with Sem Thomasson as dj guest. Sem Thomasson (www.facebook.com/sem.thomasson) is a young Belgian dj/producer. He performed many times @ Tomorrowland in Belgium and released tracks on Protocol Recordings, Flamingo Recordings, Stealth Records, Spinnin Records, Ultra Records, Atlantic Records, Global Underground, Universal Music... With remixes for Steve Aoki, TV Rock, Cody Simpson, Nelly Furtado and Flo Rida & Jennifer Lopez his name is set for a few years to come. KuMusic is broadcasted via fm or web all around the world (more than 25 countries, it reaches about 5 million listeners, every week something new). Be sure to tune in and check the broadcast times & locations below to find out how you can tune in @ bit.ly/kumusicradioshow. Resident Dj Glazersound, Music Selector & Voice MC Fago, Mash up selector Vinioci. pr ltc x KuMusic.