By Andrea Scatolini on novembre 12th, 2012
“Gli studi carsici nella provincia di Guizhou nel sudovest della Cina sono importanti per la salvaguardia dell’ecologia e per il benessere delle popolazioni locali”, dice il geologo Liu Congqiang, accademico dell’Accademia Cinese delle Scienze e delegato del 18 Congresso nazionale del partito Comunista Cinese, il 7 novembre 2012 a Beijing.
The project has become a successful model of cooperation between units at the Chinese Academy of Science and local scientific research colleges.
According to Liu’s research, both surface and underground water and soil erosion exist in the karst area of Guizhou province. Stone landification is the main source of karst rocky desertification. Liu’s research also calculated the massive quantity of water and soil loss that can be acceptable in the southwest karst region. He proposed a vertical zonation governance model in solving karst rocky desertification and put forward suggestions in solving farmland water shortages caused by karst rock desertification.
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