Magazine Fotografia

L' insospettabile vita segreta delle pere

Da Decorazionisegrete
Fresche e semplici oppure cotte... frullate, in compagnia dei formaggi o nelle torte, le pere sono buone in tutti in tutte le maniere.
Ma ignoravo completamente che avessero una vita decisamente movimentata e quantomai simile alla nostra.
Eccovi, grazie al fotografo Stanislav Aristo, alcuni dei momenti salienti nella vita di una pera!
Loved up pear: The fruit are pictured in a wedding scene complete with veil, corsage and wedding bandsBaby pear: The fruit is dressed in a young girl's pink ribbon and pictured with a green balloon Washed: A pear is pictured in the driving rain trying to shelter under a small umbrella Musical pears: A fruit busker plays the violin in a graffitied subway - but it does not seem to have made any moneyClever pear: The fruit wears glasses as it reads through the oversized book Dedicated: Aristov builds his own background and says he wants to make them as realistic as possiblePast its ex-pear-y date: A wizened pear gazes at a black and white image of a youthful fruit Appear-ition: Passing fruit appear as a blur as a old-looking pear begs unnoticed at the side of the roadBaby pears: This fruit appears to be looking at neonatal scans of a pregnant pear
E c'è anche spazio per un pò di romanticismo e perche no... anche un pò di sesso.
Ebbene si, anche le pere scopano!!!
Pear-fect: The well-placed pears cast a shadow in the shape of a heart Complimented: The artist said people like his work and tell him they find the pieces 'interesting and realistic'Peared up together: This couple lean in to one another as they gaze up at a giant moon and stars

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