Well yes! Our one and only “CIRASELLA”managed to graduate! You may wonder in what? Simple, now can ‘teach the history of’ art, already now that the reform does Gelmini remove the material from the schools, despite the ‘Italy is the country’s art! (say that ass, in fact it is). With that vote you’re asking? Seconvo And you? 110 Of course! If you need to do the unemployed graduates, do it with the best! What have you got? A spectacular dress “fascia” that does so much “CIRASELLA” is not red but green undulating “! I ask the favor? A beautiful red handkerchief, with a handmade cornino luck, (and here we need luck, and lots!), with inside “not the confetti, which is no one if the Great, but the pralines to chocolate, that if everything magnan ! “Where did you …”…. Oh and that’s it! But “you do not have your facts! “A gift to take part next time and you know everything, I put here only the greeting card that the gift to give her the fuck!
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