On November 26, a Columbian design institute staged in a shopping center in Cali the Biofashion the Habitat Show, a show-contest where the protagonist is nature in its splendor and its beauty "Conservation" is their mantra and do "Live Clothing", is their purpose.
Non si tratta semplicemente di abiti ispirati alla natura, ma bensì di magnifiche creazioni realizzare con materiali naturali, eco-friendly, riciclati e anche fiori, piante, rami di alberi ed ancora farfalle vere, perfettamente intrecciati e in armonia tra loro. Orchidee, funghi, piante, foglie di mais, piume: tutto era naturale e non trasformati. Infatti, una volta indossati, possono essere restituiti alla natura per decomporre, per il ciclo della vita.
This is not just clothing inspired by nature, but magnificent creations made with natural materials, eco-friendly, recycled and also flowers, plants, tree branches and butterflies still true, perfectly intertwined in harmony with each other. Orchids, mushrooms, plants, corn leaves, feathers, everything was natural and unprocessed In fact, once worn, can be returned to nature to decompose, the cycle of life