Magazine Cultura
It's called Mycoplasma mycoides JCVI-syn1.0 and it 'created the first synthetic cell in the laboratory by a group of U.S. scientists. A discovery that could open new avenues for the creation of biological organisms capable of performing a specific function, such as absorbing carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas, hydrocarbons achieve clean energy, speed up the creation of vaccines but also invent new ingredients to the cuisine. The announcement of the new discovery 'was given to the magazine Science by J. Craig Venter Institute, Rockville laboratory in the U.S. led by Craig Venter, the man who in 2000 was among those who discovered the first human genome sequence. ''This is the first synthetic cell, replicating, never realized,'' said Venter. The synthetic call ''because the cell is derived from a synthetic chromosome, obtained by chemical substances included in a synthesizer controlled by a computer.''
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