Varie new entry, ma nessuno ce la fa contro i Pokémon
Arrivano i dati di vendita relativi al mercato nipponico, raccolti nella settimana compresa tra il 24 e il 30 novembre 2014 da Meda Create.
Continua il dominio dei remake Pokémon Rubino Omega e Zaffiro Alpha, con le novità maggiori rappresentate da Phantasy Star Nova e Etrian Odyssey Untold II a completare il podio. A seguire, le altre new entry Fate/hollow ataraxia, Resident Evil su PlayStation 3 e Dragon Age: Inquisition.
Vendite software (vendite totali tra parentesi)
01. [3DS] Pokemon Omega Ruby / Alpha Sapphire (Pokemon, 11/21/14) - 298,613 (1,626,284)
02. [PSV] Phantasy Star Nova (Sega, 11/27/14) - 107,313 (New)
03. [3DS] Etrian Odyssey Untold II: Knight of Fafnir (Atlus, 11/27/14) - 59,531 (New)
04. [PSV] Fate/hollow ataraxia (Kadokawa Games, 11/27/14) - 53,979 (New)
05. [PS3] Resident Evil (Capcom, 11/27/14) - 50,258 (New)
06. [PS4] Dragon Age: Inquisition (EA, 11/27/14) - 29,274 (New)
07. [3DS] Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (Capcom, 10/11/14) - 27,624 (2,200,698)
08. [3DS] Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS (Nintendo, 09/13/14) - 21,755 (1,758,790)
09. [3DS] Yokai Watch 2: Ganso / Honke (Level-5, 07/10/14) - 20,577 (2,902,388)
10. [PSV] Nisekoi: Yomeiri!? (Konami, 11/27/14) - 15,508 (New)
11. [PSV] Senran Kagura: Bon Appetit! (Marvelous, 11/27/14) - 14,275 (New)
12. [PS3] Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 (KOnami, 11/13/14) - 12,886 (104,801)
13. [Wii U] Mario Kart 8 (Nintendo, 05/29/14) - 12,742 (734,626)
14. [Wii U] Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker (Nintendo, 11/13/14) - 12,211 (54,053)
15. [PSV] Oedo BlackSmith (NIS, 11/27/14) - 11,562 (New)
16. [PS3] Dragon Age: Inquisition (EA, 11/27/14) - 11,294 (New)
17. [PS3] Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (Subtitled Version) (Square Enix, 11/13/14) - 10,291 (105,302)
18. [3DS] Gotouchi Tetsudou: Gotouchi Kyara to Nihon Senkoku no Tabi (Bandai Namco, 11/27/14) - 9,936 (New)
19. [3DS] Hero Bank 2 (Sega, 11/27/14) - 8,014 (New)
20. [PS3] Dynasty Warriors 8: Empires (Koei Tecmo, 11/20/14) - 7,784 (45,907)
Vendite hardware (vendite della settimana precedente tra parentesi)
New 3DS LL - 48,738 (42,184)
PlayStation Vita - 27,935 (10,236)
New 3DS - 22,875 (26,791)
3DS - 19,722 (8,144)
3DS LL - 15,182 (11,534)
PlayStation 4 - 13,489 (12,430)
Wii U - 12,496 (9,615)
PlayStation 3 - 5,360 (4,324)
PlayStation Vita TV - 1,285 (621)
Xbox One - 1,237 (776)
Xbox 360 - 108 (100)
PSP - 18 (11)
Fonte: Gematsu