Amazon is a good fellow (not a very good one for my wallet!) because when on the net there's something new in which I might be interested it let me know! Clever marketing strategy you may think, yes, but I like it, no matter what! It send me an email when a new book, close to the ones I've already bought or I've put on my wish list, is available, sometimes I can ignore it, sometimes I really can't! So, with Improv Sewing I couldn't and I pre-ordered it! Yesterday in the morning my friend the postman delivered my copy to my house! I immediately browsed this book, and I felt in love! The title is: Improv Sewing, a freeform approach to creative techniques! How is that amazing? I love each word of it, freeform in particular!!! It's not like the other sewing books and manual you can find, there isn't a scholastic or perfectionist approach, is something conceived for impulsive and clumsy tailors-wannabe like me!
Spesso amo comprare libri ed edizioni creative in genere perché so che dietro ogni opera c'è una persona, o più persone, creative come me, giovani ed esuberanti, che stanno cercando o sono riuscite a fare di una passione un lavoro; amo pensare che comprando il libro, il pattern, la rivista dia loro il mio contributo ed il mio appoggio!
Ecco qua le due autrici : Nicole & Debra
E qui trovate il loro ImprovDiary!
I like to buy craft books and similar because I know the behind every project there is at least a crafter like me, young and exuberant, who is going to make a job from a passion, I hope to help with my little contribute!
Here you are the two authors: Nicole & Debra And here their ImprovDiary!
Il libro è grosso, contiene 101 progetti, divisi in 11 capitoli; la grafica è vivace, chiara, ordinata: già solo sfogliando il libro si intuisce che ogni progetto è ben spiegato nella sua interezza, da cosa vi serve per iniziare, a come farlo...trovo preziosi i disegni che, come in un tutorial online, ti spiegano chiaramente cosa devi fare!
This book is huge: there are 101 projects explained in them, sorted by 11 chapters; graphics and design are stunning: each project is well explained form what you'll need to how to do it, I mostly like drawings and pictures that, like as in an online tutorial, show you clearly what to do.
Improv Sewing by Storey - summary
Adoro i libri craft americani perché curano ogni dettaglio!
La prima impressione è assolutamente più che positiva, voglio iniziare al più presto un progetto! Ho già i miei capitoli preferiti!
I really like craft american books because they take care of every details!
First impression is sooooo good, I want to start a project asap! I've already have my favorite!
My favorite from Improv sewing, Storey edition