Lo Swansea City Supporters Trust conferma la propria partecipazione alle attività del nuovo gruppo di lavoro, allestito dal Governo inglese, ''The Supporter Ownership and Engagement Expert Group''(qui dettagli), che avrà il compito di esplorare le possibilità e valutare come sia possibile intervenire per favorire un maggiore coinvolgimento dei tifosi nella governance dei club del Regno Unito
Il gruppo inizierà le proprie attività nel corso di Novembre e comprenderà rappresentanti della Football Association(FA), Premier League, Football League e di Supporters Direct UK che coordina e supporta le attività dei numerosi(oltre 100) Supporters' Trust del Regno Unito.
L'associazione di tifosi, proprietaria del 21% dello Swansea City AFC, con un membro eletto dai tifosi nel CdA della società gallese, ha accettato l'invito del Dipartimento della Cultura, Media e Sport (DCMS), e parteciperà ai lavori della commissione in virtù dell'esperienza, portata avanti fin dal 2002, di coinvolgimento attivo nella governance del proprio club.
La prima riunione è prevista per fine mese a Londra, gli incontri avranno lo scopo di esaminare le barriere che limitano la collaborazione tra Supporters' Trust e club, studiare soluzioni per favorire l'acquisizione di quote e sostenere, dove si creino le condizioni, i passaggi di proprietà in favore di associazioni di tifosi.
Lo Swansea City Supporters Trust sarà affiancato in questo gruppo anche da altre illustri e affascinanti realtà di Supporters' Trust che hanno vissuto, e vivono, un intenso rapporto con i propri club di riferimento saranno infatti presenti delegati dell'AFC Wimbledon, club fondato dai tifosi, del Wrexham Supporters Trust e del Pompey Supporters Trust che controllano rispettivamente Wrexham FC e Portsmouth FC.
La comunicazione integrale dal sito dello Swansea City Supporters Trust:
Trust accepts invite to join Government’s Expert Working Group
November 12, 2014
The Swansea City Supporters’ Trust has accepted an invitation from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport to join its group looking at fan involvement at Football Clubs, as an expert witness.
The Supporter Ownership and Engagement Expert group is the Government’s response to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Select Committee Football Governance Inquiry (2011) and subsequent reports which recommended that there was a need to set up an expert working group to explore the barriers to increased supporter ownership and provide solutions.
The Swans Trust has been invited to attend all meetings of the Group, joining representatives from Portsmouth, AFC Wimbledon and Wrexham Supporters Trusts whose clubs are run by supporters.
The Group, which will have its first meeting in Londonlater this month, has representatives on it from Government, the Premier League, The FA, the Football League, The Football Conference, Supporters Direct, and the Football Supporters’ Federation. The Group will look at removing barriers to clubs becoming community-owned assets, when opportunities arise for that to be a sustainable and viable option, and with seeing what more can be done to help supporters groups have stronger links with the executives and owners running clubs. The Group will make recommendations to government, reporting into the Sports Minister
At the launch of the Group last month, Minister for Sport, Helen Grant said:
“Football fans are the lifeblood of the club they support. Owners, executives and managers may come and go but it is the fans that are the constant, loyally following their clubs through thick and thin. We want to see what more we can do to give fans a stronger voice in how their club is run as well as looking at ways in which we can help remove some of the barriers to supporter ownership.”
Commenting on the invitation Phil Sumbler, Chairman of Swansea City Supporters Trust said.
“We are delighted to accept the invitation to be part of this Expert Group. The Swansea City Supporters’ Trust has shown over recent years that fan involvement in the running of Clubs can be beneficial and we look forward to sharing our experience with some of the key football decision makers in the Country.”