Lovers go Around: La Sposa di Storøy

Creato il 09 ottobre 2012 da Loversevents

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

5 passengers, 4 countries, 3 bikes, 2 breakdowns and 1 Volvo.

England, Holland, Germany and Denmark.

Miles and miles, pit stops and audio books, a ferry, stolen pølse, a campsite with a cat, multiple service stations and snacks, sun, rain and strange hotels, tinned mackerel, the hard shoulder and finally Norway.

Rørholt, Lake Toke and Storøy Island. Hut with a view, campsite and Friends.

Saturday is a morning miracle. Sunshine where there was rain. Saturday is friends, family, guests, bride and groom. Saturday is raft, boat, ceremony and champagne. Saturday is eating, drinking and speeches. Saturday is swimming, dancing and a tesla coil.

Saturday is perfect.

 Sunday is fancy dress and second feast. Sunday is swimming and assault course, wood gathering and fire. Sunday is live karaoke. Sunday is aquavit. And more aquavit. Sunday is hot tub, sauna and skinny dipping.

Sunday is outrageous.

 People say love is a journey. I say it’s a road trip.

with lover(rs)

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