Contnuiamo ad aggiornare la nostra sezione Manuali inserendo il nuovo manuale utente / User Manual del Samsung Galaxy S2 Epic 4G. Vi ricordiamo che lo smartphone è commercializzato negli Stati Uniti da Sprint e sarà messo in vendita il prossimo 16 Settembre.
“Sprint is proud to build on the success of the first Galaxy S product, Samsung Epic 4G, with the first U.S. device in the next generation of Samsung’s award-winning Galaxy S lineup, Epic 4G Touch,” said Fared Adib, vice president–Product Development, Sprint. “Epic 4G Touch is a powerful smartphone that delivers vibrant and exciting content at lightning fast speeds. This device is ultra-thin yet ultra-powerful with a screen that rivals anything else in the industry.”
Scarica il manuale utente User Manual Samsung Galaxy S 2 Epic 4G – Android
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