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MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

Da The Travel Eater By Costanza Saglio @CostanzaSaglio

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

Eccoci finalmente a parlare della mia esperienza con MCS a Firenze per Pitti Immagine Uomo. Scusatemi il ritardo ma ho avuto dei problemi nell'uploading delle immagini.
Ora sono pronta per mostrarvi e raccontarvi tutto!

Here we are finally ready to talk about my experience with MCS in Florence for Pitti Immagine Uomo Excuse the delay but I had some problems during my uploading
Now I'm ready to show you and tell you everything!

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

Innanzitutto, la location: Teatrino Lorense, uno spazio immenso e immerso nel verde - perfetto anche per il tema dell'edizione 2012: il cibo e la terra. Perfetto anche per The Travel Eater, no? Ma di questo vi parlerò in seguito ;).
First, the location: Theatre Lorense, an enormous green space - perfect for the theme of 2012: the food and the earth Also perfect for The Travel Eater, right? But about this I will talk later ;)

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

Andiamo al dunque:
Come to the point:

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

Come vi avevo spiegato QUI, la campagna MCS è dedicata al viaggio e alla narrazione di storie. Per la 82esima edizione di Pitti Immagine, il marchio ha deciso di incorniciare il tutto in un cinema stile anni 30/40 con un allestimento ricco e curato nel dettaglio. Bellissimo. Vi mostro subito le immagini.

As I explained HERE, MCS's
campaign is dedicated to travel and storytelling For this 82° edition of Pitti Immagine, the brand has decided to frame its themed space in a cinemain 30s/40s style with a rich in detail and nice setting up Beautiful I show you the pictures immediately

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

Un lungo tavolo attraversava lo stand riproducendo la cartina che raccoglieva le prime mete del tour MCS We The People. A segnare i luoghi, c'earano delle grosse puntine da disegno. Il sogno di ogni viaggiatore, no? Voi dove vorreste poter mettere la prossima puntina :) ?

A long table crossing the stand, was reproducing the map which collected the first destinations of the tour MCS
We The People. To mark the places, there were some big thumbtacks. It's dream of every traveler, isn't it? Where you would like to put your next thumbtack :)?

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

Sullo schermo del 'cinema', veniva proiettato il film tratto dalla campagna WE THE PEOPLE dove persone vere, selezionate, raccontato la loro storia. Per la primavera/estate il racconto si svolgeva intorno all'oggetto più caro. Ora, per il prossimo autunno/inverno, si parla di legami. Ed ecco allora parlare due gemelli "diversi", una band musicale sciolta e poi riunita e così via...

On the screen of 'cinema', the film based on the campaign WE THE PEOPLE
was shown. There, real selected people told their stories. For spring / summer, the story took place around the "object most dear." Now, for next autumn / winter, we talk about "bonds". So there were twins talking about theis 'differences', a band dissolved and then assembled and so on ...

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

Ai lati dello stand poi, era possibile leggere le storie dei protagonisti della campagna, vedere dalla cartina da dove provenivano e quale capo della collezione era a loro stato assegnato.

On either side of the stand, then, you could read the stories of the protagonists of the campaign, see the map where they came from and see the items of the collection that had been assigned to them.

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

A guidare il tour, questa automobile vintage riprodotta in latta per l'evento. Poteva spostarsi lungo il tavolo, siboleggiando il viaggio intrapreso.

Driving the tour, was this
vintage car made of tin, reproducedfor the event You could move it along the table, to simbolize the journey undertaken

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

E poi veniamo a noi: alla rete, ai blogger, ai social. La domanda per la tappa 'italiana' era "Qual è il film della tua vita?" e i tweet di risposta sono stati tantissimi.
Tutti i tweet con l'hastag "#MCSMyMovie" venivano proiettati, in alternanza al film, sul grande schermo.

And then here we are: the network, the bloggers, the social The question for the 'Italian' stage was "What is the movie of your life?" and the tweets to answer were a lot
All tweets with the hashtag "#MCSMyMovie" were shown, alternating to the movie, on the big screen

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

C'è chi ha scritto "Via col Vento" chi "Un Cowboy con il Velo da Sposa" chi "Toy Story". Chi per sè ha inventato una nuova trama. Io, per stare in tema storie ho detto "Big Fish", a cui sono affezionata. Ma per il caldo tremendo ho cambiato poi in "Quando la Moglie è in Vacanza" e a fine giornata, per la stanchezza, "La Bella Addormentata".
E voi?
What's the movie of your life? :)
There are those who wrote "Gone with the Wind" who "The Parent Trap" who "Toy Story" Who has invented for himself a new storyline I, for storytelling theme, chose "Big Fish" - I love it But for the terrible heat, then I changed to "The Seven Year Itch" and end of the day, from exhaustion, "Sleeping Beauty"
And you?
What's the movie of your life? :)

MCS at Pitti Immagine: a journey through our real stories

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

A presto con il resto della giornata e il tour di Firenze!!
Soon with the rest of the day and the tour of Florence!

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