La patch 1.3 per Minecraft sarà pubblicata l’uno agosto. Fra poco più di tre settimane ci saranno dunque alcune novità sul fenomeno indie basato sulla raccolta di materiali e sul loro utilizzo in totale libertà in un mondo vastissimo ideato da Markus Notch Persson e realizzato da Mojang. Proprio il piccolo studio svedese ha annunciato questa notizia indicando anche che si punterà a migliorare la stabilità e ci saranno delle correzioni di problemi.
Ovviamente ci saranno delle novità come la presenza del multiplayer in LAN (e quindi in rete locale), l’ampliamento di alcune opzioni per la chat e la possibilità di lasciare messaggi agli utenti più un’espansione della modalità avventure, del Creative mode e molte altre innovazioni su esperienza accumulata ed abilità.
A seguire le novità. Qui, invece, il link della fonte.
Confirmed via a weekly build:
- Improved overall stability and performance
- Reduced CPU, RAM & bandwidth usage
- Made Singleplayer internally use a Multiplayer server
- Added optional single-player commands called “Cheats” on non-hardcore worlds
- Type / and then hit tab to autocomplete & get help on various commands
- Most commands from MP are available
- Added option to let LAN friends join SP games
- You can choose which gamemode players join in and whether they are allowed to use cheats
- Added demo mode for non-premium users
- Lasts 5 game days per world
- Added chat options
- Change which parts of chat are shown and how opaque it is
- Toggle chat colors, links being clickable and warning prompts for links
- Option to rebind the command key, which opens the chat with / in the textfield
- Mobs can now spawn on top slabs and upside down stairs
- Improved F3 mode:
- Truncated coordinates to 5 fractional digits
- Removed frame rendering time history graph (bottom-left)
- 3 new values:
ws: Walking speed (constant)
fs: Flying speed (constant)
g: Boolean value, true when you touch the ground- Updated language files
- Added tooltips for all types of Monster Egg blocks and the End Portal Frame
- Added more descriptive tooltips for different types of tree-related blocks, sandstone and stone bricks
- Localized server commands
- Added missing commands-related strings
- Added missing double chest GUI caption
- Fixed many bugs
- Fixed texture packs in folders not showing their icon and description
- Fixed Man-in-the-middle attack allowing hackers to log in as you when you visit their server
- Fixed the Open texturepack folder button not working on OS X
- Added Adventure mode
- Only playable using commands
- Building, setting things on fire and using buckets is disabled
- Players can only interact with mobs and the environment
- Added trading
- Screenshots
- Using emerald as currency, villagers will, depending on profession, offer different trades to players
- There are three kinds of trades: Selling, buying and enchanting
- As displayed in the top-most part of the trading GUI, villagers take one or more items or item stacks and give back something
- After trading, villagers will sometimes emit purple particles for a few seconds to indicate that their trades changed
- Otherwise unobtainable bottles o’ enchanting and chainmail armor can be obtained by trading
- Improved Creative mode inventory
- Screenshots
- There are categorized tabs for various groups of items and blocks
- Added a search tab which will automatically be switched to when the chat key is hit
- Added survival inventory tab, which shows the full inventory, a ‘Destroy item’ slot, armor slots including a preview of your character and a 2×2 crafting field
- Items can now be deleted from the inventory by shift-clicking them
- Added layered snow block, Monster Egg Blocks (Silverfish spawning blocks), Ender Portal frame and all potions
- Now shows potion effects’ timers like in Survival
- Improved experience collection
- Depending on ore type, experience now drops from ores that drop items
- Taking smelted items out of furnaces gives experience now
- Destroying mob spawners gives experience now
- Adjusted experience level progression:
Levels 1-15 cost 17 XP points each
Levels 16-30 cost 3 more XP points than the previous (cost = 17 + (level – 15) * 3)
Levels 31-∞ cost 7 more XP points than the previous (cost = 62 + (level – 30) * 7)- Improved enchanting
- The new maximum level with bookshelves is 30, without 8
- 15 bookshelves are enough to reach level 30
- The 3rd slot shows the most expensive possible enchantment more often
- Increased chances for multiple enchantments at once
- Adjusted enchantments’ to go with the new maximum level
- Added writing in books
- New crafting recipe for books: 3 pieces of paper and one piece of leather in any possible shape
- New item: Book and Quill – Crafting recipe: 1 ink sac, 1 feather and 1 book in any possible shape
- Right-click to write on & edit up to 50 pages or read
- Click ‘Done’ to save the book, ‘Sign’ to choose a title and finalize the book
- Screenshots
- Improved Multiplayer
- Made entities less likely to glitch through blocks – Comparison: before and after
- Added automagical downloading of standard sized texture packs when joining servers
- Made server commands more descriptive
- Added reason parameter to /ban
- Added /seed command to show the map seed
- Added /defaultgamemode command to choose the gamemode new players start in
- Added /debug command to enable and disable profiling
- /kick messages can now contain “\n” to force a new line
- Blocks other players are mining now show cracks - Screenshot
- /tp can now be used to teleport to specific coordinates
- Made server list re-orderable: shift+click or shift+arrow keys move selected servers
- Server list now scans for LAN servers - Screenshot
- Added hardcore difficulty: Players are banned upon death
- Added many minor things
- Individual, stackable items near each other on the ground now become one item stack
- Added shift clicking support to armor slots, brewing stands & enchantment tables
- Added setting to disable servers offering you texture packs
- Made the stars smaller and brighter - Screenshot
- Villagers spawned from spawning eggs will get a random profession now
- Removed the downwards knockback while drowning
- Doors being broken by zombies now show their damage - Screenshot
- Improved the Pick Block key
- You now get the actual block
- You can now pick paintings, boats, minecarts and mobs, which will give you their spawn eggs
- Picking huge mushroom blocks now gives mushrooms
- You can no longer pick portal blocks
- Fixed many bugs
- Fixed flying slowly in liquids
- Fixed blocks with the same id but different data/damage values stacking in Creative inventory
- Fixed boats & minecarts not being one-hit breakable in Creative
- Fixed raw fish, dyes, saddles, potions, milk buckets and tools depleting in Creative
- Fixed water destroying non-solid blocks when breaking them from above
- Fixed Silk touch giving you only one slab from double slabs
- Fixed redstone updates not propagating through unloaded chunks
- Fixed arrows scooting up to the top of the block they were shot on in MP
- Fixed repeaters getting stuck when loading their chunk
- Fixed endermen not opening their jaws in MP
- Fixed tools taking damage when breaking insta-breakable blocks
- Fixed fully charged arrows not showing their particle effect in MP
- Fixed many sounds not playing in MP
- Fixed magma cubes’ and slimes’ jumping animations not showing in MP
- Fixed thunderstorms not darkening the sky in MP
- Fixed weather not fading in or out in MP
- Fixed enchanted armor and tools not glowing to other players
- Fixed ender pearls and eyes of ender not being aligned in the inventory
- Fixed explosions not pushing players back in MP
- Fixed TNT not knocking back players in MP
- Fixed pistons not pushing back players in MP
- Fixed the arrow representing players on held maps being offset
- Fixed being able to duplicate sand, gravel and powered rail
- Fixed placing a piston in front of another powered, but not extended one resulting in a glitched piston with the head’s texture on all sides
- Fixed TNT dropping as a ressource on creative mode
- Fixed powering specifically glitched pistons crashing the game
- Fixed players on minecarts, boats or pigs and spider jockeys not being displayed in the correct location
World Generation
- Made sub-biome type mountains like Desert Hills or Ice Mountains taller - Screenshot
- Made cocoa beans appear on some small jungle trees - Screenshot
- Added optional starting chest on non-hardcore worlds
- Screenshot
- Contents: wooden & stone tools, bread, apples, logs, planks and sticks
- Added large biomes world type, increasing biome sizes immensely
- Added desert-specific villages
- Screenshot
- Added desert temples
- Screenshots
- Built out of various kinds of sandstone and wool
- Include hidden chest room and TNT trap, with loot including rotten flesh, bones, iron ingots and gold ingots, diamonds and emeralds
- Added jungle temples
- Screenshots
- Built out of various kinds of cobblestone
- Contain multiple tripwire traps triggering dispensers filled with arrows
- Loot chests include bones, rotten flesh, gold ingots, iron ingots, diamonds and emeralds
- Added emerald ore
- Only generates in Extreme Hills biomes
- Occurs up to 8 times per chunk in veins of 1
- Generates between layers 4 and 31, inclusive
Blocks & Items
- Emerald Ore
- Screenshot
- Drops Emerald
- Emerald
- Screenshot
- Is used to trade with villagers
- Block of Emerald
- Screenshot
- Crafted by putting 9 emeralds on a crafting table
- Ender Chest
- Screenshot
- Crafted by surrounding an eye of ender with 8 pieces of obsidian
- Stores each player’s contents across dimensions and all Ender Chests
- Contents are preserved even if all Ender Chests are destroyed
- Explosion-resistant
- Emits light and purple particles
- Unless mined using a Silk Touch-enchanted pickaxe, they drop 8 obsidian
- Tripwire Hook
- Screenshots
- String in between needs to be placed manually
- Breaking the string triggers a redstone signal, cutting it using shears doesn’t
- Entities like boats, mobs, arrows or players touching the string trigger a redstone signal
- String can be up to 40 blocks long
- Crafting recipe: Iron ingot on top of a stick on top of a wooden plank
- String
- Can now be placed on the ground decoratively
- Furnaces
- Can be fueled by wooden tools now
- Return an empty bucket when using lava buckets as fuel now
- Ice
- Instead of melting in the nether, it now disappears
- Can be obtained using Silk Touch-enchanted gear now
- Glass Panes
- Can be obtained using Silk Touch-enchanted gear now
- Nether portal
- Leaks into the Overworld now: Depending on difficulty, zombie pigmen rarely spawn in them
- Half slabs
- Added all wood types
- Wooden slabs crafted after the update act like wood
- Will now be top slabs when placed on the upper half of a block’s side
- When placed upside down, rails, pressure plates, levers, doors, torches, redstone torches, repeaters, redstone dust and beds can be placed on them - Redstone dust behaves like on glowstone – It transmits power horizontally and upwards, but not downwards. Redstone torches don’t power redstone placed on slabs/stairs above them.
- Stairs
- Added Sandstone Stairs - Screenshot
- Added wooden stairs for all kinds of wood - Screenshot
- Adjusted hitbox - Screenshots
- When placed upside down, rails, pressure plates, levers, doors, torches, redstone torches, repeaters, redstone dust and beds can be placed on them - Redstone dust behaves like on glowstone – It transmits power horizontally and upwards, but not downwards. Redstone torches don’t power redstone placed on slabs/stairs above them.
- Leaves
- Water slowly drips through them when it’s raining
- Cauldrons
- Slowly fill up when it’s raining
- Dispensers
- Minecarts & boats will now be placed if there’s rails/water in place
- Instead of dispensing buckets, dispensers will now suck in or place water or lava in front of them
- Gravel
- Changed texture - Screenshot
- Jungle leaves
- Have a 1/200 chance to drop a cocoa bean when destroyed now
- Lever
- Can be placed on the ceiling now - Screenshot
- Wooden pressure plates
- Are triggered by arrows now
- Pistons
- Changed a few things to fight bugs, which now causes them to appear to update slightly slower – some contraptions may require changes to signal timing
- Cocoa beans
- Retextured item - Screenshot
- Can be planted & grown on jungle wood nowimg
- Can be grown instantly using bone meal
- Cookies
- Give a full hunger point now
- Empty buckets
- Stack up to 16 now
- Stacked buckets work just like stacked glass bottles do
- Signs
- Stack up to 16 now
- Crafting now gives 3 signs instead of 1
- Golden Apple
- Has two crafting recipes now, the new one replacing gold nuggets with gold blocks
- Second tier gives Regeneration IV, Resistance and Fire resistance effects
- Only second tier glows like enchanted tools
- Spawners
- Added NBT tags to further customize spawned mobs
- Only changeable using map editors or mods
- Boats
- Are not broken by lilypads anymore, instead they run straight through the lilypad now, breaking and sometimes dropping it
- Are less glitchy and more responsive now
- Increased maximum speed
- When exiting, players will be moved from the boat
- When broken, they drop a boat now
- Minecarts
- When on rails, they can be accelerated a bit while sitting in them
- When exiting, players will be moved from the minecart
- Pigs
- Drop 1-3 meat now
- Slimes
- Reduced spawn rate in superflat maps
- Silverfish
- When suffering from poison potions, they will now spawn more silverfish from nearby silverfish blocks more often
- All hostile mobs
- Become aggressive towards the last mob or player that hit them now
Very likely – Implemented stuff that will be released in the next snapshot:
- Click here.
- LWJGL update, again
- The server having an API somewhat equivalent to Bukkit - Nope, 1.4!
- Dinnerbone wants to work on the chat system
- Logging, scrollback length, tab behaviour
- Bugfixes: 1, 2, 3, display issues with highlighting, keybindings for ‘/’
- OS X compatibility
- Chat size
- Drag-highlighting
Dinnerbone plans to add an option to customize the “Outdated server/client” message