Buongiorno dolci creative amiche.... buon giorno e buon San Valentino....Oggi in tema con la ricorrenza, vi mostro un lavoretto fatto di recente... un semplicissimo accordion album, ovvero un album a fisarmonica. Ho decorato solo la copertina in realtà, le pagine interne sono semplici, e ospiteranno delle foto 10x13... un'idea carina per un regalo semplice ma d'effetto per la persona amata... non trovate??
Good morning sweet creative friends... good morning and happy valentine day!!Today to stay on the day theme I'd like to share with you a simple accordion album I made some days ago, I only altered the cover, and left all the inner page plain, to host some romantic pictures... A simple nice idea to a little romantic present to the beloved person... don't you agree??

Il timbro dolcissimo è Lili of The valley... lo adoro!!! =) è colorato con i distress... la carta invece se non ricordo male è october afternoon.
The sweet stamp is Lili of the valley, I love it!! =) and I colored with distress... The paper instead If I am not wrong is October afternoon.

...qualche dettaglio.... le roselline le riconoscete?? sono il mio recente ordine da wild orchid crafts... le doro!!! =)
some details... the roses are my latest wild orchid crafts order... I love them!! =)

And here you can see the structure, the inner accordion!!Well I hope you'll have a great romantic valentine day, and wish you can spend with who you love... but most of all I hope you can live each day as it is the Valentine day, and that you don't need to wait it each year to "celebrate" love!! =)Thanks for visiting... and see you soon back!!! =)
Con questo progetto partecipo a: / with this project I enter:Papertake weekly challenge: hearts and flowersTimbroscrapmania: thinking of loveCLP challenge: sketch