A sexy-bohemian 1970s mood inspires the look ofthe new Fall/Winter 2011-12 collection of Miss Sixty and the latest commercialvideo: a star wearing flared jeans with a ribbed piqué top and a slim-cuteco-fur coat, enhancing the hippy-chic stile with her sexy and femininesilhouette. Starring Belen Rodriguez, the ultimate diva chosen for theFall/Winter 11-12 Miss Sixty advertising campaign.SIXTY is an international fashion company,based in Italy,leader in quality and experimentation. In 1989, Wicky Hassan, Creative Directorand Co-founder of SIXTY, had the intuition to create a company where denim andfashion would coexist in a world without limits and boundaries. Collaboratingwith Co-founder and CEO Renato Rossi, the dream came true and gave life to anInternational company with a portfolio comprising several brands. SIXTY'sinnovative lines are distributed worldwide in the trendiest boutiques, indepartment stores and in SIXTY flagship stores.SIXTY is a unique universe divided in two mainworlds: a FASHION division - characterized by collections with a recognizablevocation for research, experimentation and trend setting - and the AUTHENTICHwear division - where brands are identified by strong personality andhistorical heritage based on a tradition of high quality, technologicalgarments which respond to specific needs in urban life, free time and work.Fashion Brands: Miss Sixty, Energie and Killah.Authentic Brands: RefrigiWear, Murphy&Nye.SIXTY group comprises junior collections forthe Miss Sixty, Energie, Killah, Refrigiwear and Murphy&Nye brands. The setof junior collections is indicated as "Sixty Friends".Since 2003 Sixty Help, a non-profitorganisation of the SIXTY group, offers tangible support to both national andinternational social projects supporting SIXTY employees.ENERGY - ENERGIE was established with thedesire to create something new, different and original. The brand takes itsinspiration from the name of the first clothing store opened in Rome, meetingpoint in the first Eighties of many artists working together to createinstallations and special exclusive windows. From its launch in 1989, the brandis renowned in the world for its strong personality and capacity to combinevintage elements with urban details and artistic inspirations. Committed totesting, experimentation, research and innovation since the very beginning, thebrand now comprises shoes and bags collections, beach wear and underwear linesand, as of Spring 2009, anew collection of eyeglasses and shades.KILLAH - Born in 1998, KILLAH is a denimlifestyle brand developing in parallel with the constant evolution of youngwomen's trends and featuring quality garments season after season,characterized by an original and unexpected style.In teenage urban slang, "killah" isan adjective used to indicate something strong, more assertive than the simpleword "cool". Each item, both in the denims and fashion collections,allows clients to create a unique and personal style through a mix 'n match ofdifferent inspirations. KILLAH is dedicated to younger girls by interpretingtheir essence and personality.MURPHY & NYE - It's a brand whose originsdate back in time, taking its name from Jim Murphy, legendary founder in 1879of the sailing company Channon Company Ship Chandler, and by Harry Nye Jr. In1993 MURPHY&NYE becomes part of SIXTY and the same love for research andinnovation marking the brand since its very beginning is still present today inthe sailing and sportswear collections. High quality and versatility are thedominant elements of garments designed to ensure comfort both in extremeconditions and in everyday life.REFRIGIWEAR - Established in New York in 1954, the brand has beenacquired by SIXTY in 1990. Created as warm and comfortable outerwear line ofgarments studied to resist at extremely low temperatures for cold storeworkers, today the brand includes various outfits for a complete style both forMen and Women. The attention for details and fabrics makes REFRIGIWEAR one ofthe leading brands in the sportswear scenario.
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