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Murakami candidato al Bad Sex Award 2011

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Murakami candidato al Bad Sex Award 2011Come ogni anno, la Literary Review ha svelato la lista dei candidati al suo "prestigioso" Bad Sex Award per le peggiori scene di sesso in letteratura. 
Fra i candidati di quest'anno ci sono Murakami Haruki con 1Q84 e Stephen King con 11.22.63.(QUI trovate la lista completa dei dodici candidati.)

Il brano di 1Q84 che viene citato a giustificazione della nomination è molto breve. Eccolo:"[Her breasts] seemed to be virtually uninfluenced by the force of gravity, the nipples turned beautifully upward, like a vine's new tendrils seeking sunlight." 

Il "Guardian" cita invece una scena un po' più lunga da King:
"She said, 'Don't make me wait, I've had enough of that,' and so I kissed the sweaty hollow of her temple and moved my hips forward ... She gasped, retreated a little, then raised her hips to meet me. 'Sadie? All right?''Ohmygodyes,' she said and I laughed. She opened her eyes and looked up at me with curiosity and hopefulness. 'Is it over, or is there more?''A little more,' I said. 'I don't know how much. I haven't been with a woman in a long time.'It turned out there was quite a bit more … At the end she began to gasp. 'Oh dear, oh my dear, oh my dear dear God, oh sugar!'"

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