
my odd passion for deadwoods - snowy Milan (and something else)

Creato il 09 febbraio 2012 da The Travel Eater By Costanza Saglio @CostanzaSaglio
my odd passion for deadwoods - snowy Milan (and something else)location: Milan, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: february 2012
-one of my favorite photos. do you like it too?-Da prima che potessi immaginare che la fotografia sarebbe diventata per me una reale passione, mi è sempre piaciuto fotografare i rami secchi di fronte agli edifici. Non so come mai, ma hanno su di me una grande fascino. Li trovo molto grafici e sembra che interrompano la scena con la loro silhouette irregolare.
Quando poi, come in questi giorni, sui rami s'è poggiata un po' di neve, effetto è ancora più magico. 
La foto che ho scelto come copertina mi piace particolarmente, perché ha preso una piega quasi pittorica. Voi cosa ne pensate?
cliccate su read more per vedere le altre.
Before I could imagine that photography would become a real passion for me, I've already enjoyed photographing deadwoods in front of buildings. I don't know why, but they have a great fascination for me. I find them very graphic and they look like an interruption of the scene with their irregular silhouette.
When, as in these days, on the branches rests a bit of snow, the effect is even more magical.
I particularly like the picture I chose for the cover, because it has an almost painterly allure. What do you think about it?
Click read more to see the others.

my odd passion for deadwoods - snowy Milan (and something else)
location: Milan, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: february 2012

my odd passion for deadwoods - snowy Milan (and something else)
location: Milan, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: february 2012

my odd passion for deadwoods - snowy Milan (and something else)location: Milan, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: february 2012

my odd passion for deadwoods - snowy Milan (and something else)location: Milan, Italyphotograph: Costanza Saglioperiod: february 2012
E vi lascio anche qualche testimonianza del passato riguardo questa strana attrazione verso i rami d'inverno: (ricordate, si tratta dell'era pre-fotografica :) )
And I also leave you some demonstrations of the past about my strange attraction to branches in winter: (remember, they're from pre-photography age :) )
my odd passion for deadwoods - snowy Milan (and something else)location: Berlin, Germany
photograph: Costanza Saglio

period: march 2008

my odd passion for deadwoods - snowy Milan (and something else)location: Berlin, Germanyphotograph: Costanza Saglio

period: march 2008

my odd passion for deadwoods - snowy Milan (and something else)
location: Stockholm, Sweden 
photograph: Costanza Saglio

period: november 2009

Che ne dite? anche a voi evocano le illustrazioni delle favole o invece vi mettono tristezza?E la prima fotografia? Vi piace quanto a me?
Fatemi sapere con un commento!!
Grazie di tutto,
What do you think about it? do dry trees evoke to you fairy tales' illustrations, or rather do they put you sad?And what about the first picture? Do you like it as well I do?
Let me know by a comment!
Thanks for everything,


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