My Sunday morning + some shopping!

Creato il 25 settembre 2011 da Timelessismore
Zara Top - H&M Pants - Studded Converse - L'Aura Bag
Alcune foto random scattate questa mattina durante una passeggiata in Via Cola di Rienzo! E' stato inevitabile fare un po' di shopping! Prima da Kiko, poi nel corner Reminiscence dentro Coin e infine da Subdued! Fra una tappa e l'altra abbiamo fatto colazione da Portofino! Alla fine del post trovate i miei acquisti! E voi come state passando questa domenica? Vi abbraccio!_________________________
Some random pictures of this sunday morning during a walk in Via Cola di Rienzo, Rome. We couldn't avoid doing some shopping as here there are some really nice places. First we went to Kiko for nail polishes, than to the Reminiscence corner inside Coin and finally to Subdued! Between these stops we also had breakfast at Portofino! At the end of the post you find my purchases! And how are you spending your sunday? Hope you're enjoying it! Hugs!
Reminiscence Fragrances

My studded Converse
Check-in @Portofino

My Breakfast

Subdued Window: Skull Bag

Me @Brandy Melville


Kiko Nail Polishes
Subdued Two-Tone Clutch

Reminiscence Ring

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