Magazine Attualità

Natale con l’Avversario

Creato il 26 dicembre 2014 da Dave @Davide

Emmanuel Carrère e la vigilia di Natale che passò in carcere.

"So what did Romand say?".

"I went to see him in prison, two weeks after I sent him the proofs. It was Christmas Eve. I kept thinking we were obviously going to have some kind of Dostoyevskian scene. He's going to insult me, or he's going to start weeping or fall into my arms. It's going to be absolutely devastating or very embarrassing. Not at all. During the two hours in the visiting room-when prison visiting hours are two hours long, you feel obligated to stay for the whole thing-he spent fifteen minutes giving me very prim compliments, telling me with extreme politeness that there were things he didn't agree with but that on the whole, he thought the book was very good, which he said didn't surprise him because he held me in such high esteem. And then he just went on to talk about the movies he'd seen on Canal Plus, and the Japanese-language class he was taking. Small talk".

[ Emmanuel Carrère & Susannah Hunnewell, Paris Review]

Emmanuel Carrère, Jean-Claude Romand, L'Avversario

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