Neko Case - Man - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 08 luglio 2013 da Lesto82

Esce il 3 settembre il nono disco di Neko Case,cantautrice statunitense 42enne nota per la sua carriera solista ma anche per la sua militanza nei The New Pornographers.Le premesse sono ottime con un primo estratto grintoso e diretto come "Man".



I'm a man
That's what you raised me to be
I'm not an identity crisis
This was planned
I'm a man
There's innocence in all mankind
It's what kind of animal I am
It's that simple, oh
I'm a man
And not just casually
I pull the sparks fulltime
The tree house cannot support me
I'm not the runt of the litter
The fat fiends and bullies were no match for me
So taste them in my teeth
I'm a man
I'm a man's man
I've always been
Make no mistake
I invest in
A woman's heart
It's the watermark
Of which I measure everything
I'm a man
That's what you raised me to be
I'm not your identity crisis
This was planned
I'm a man
You'll have to deal with me
My proxy is mine
You'll deal with me directly
And if I'm dipshit drunk on the pink perfume
I am the man in the fucking moon
'Cause you didn't know what a man was
Until I showed you


Voto 7/10


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