September 19, 2012 was born the first Nespresso boutique in the heart of my beloved city...Exactly under the house of one of the greatest songwriters of all time, Lucio Dalla...with his music, his spirit, his values and his art He has given us so many emotions to all those in Bologna who, like me, still remember him with great affection and with a smile on their lips. At the foot of the "Piazza Grande" and during the opening party, Nespresso has paid tribute through a wonderful portrait run by the young artist RED Hong Yi This cute and sweet girl is known as the artist who "loves to paint, but not with brushes" and now, through these images, I will explain you why...
Durante la serata, Cesare Cremonini, ospite d'onore, ha ricevuto l'opera e riconsegnata a sua volta al Comune di Bologna. Mentre noi ospiti abbiamo avuto la possibilità di gustare per la prima volta la nuova Nespresso Limited Edition, Crealto, dal gusto caldo, intenso e cremoso...Per cui, se vi troverete prossimamente nei paraggi di via D'Azeglio, prendetevi una pausa e andate a gustarvi qualche attimo di relax da Nespresso.
During the evening, Cesare Cremonini, guest of honor, was awarded the work of art While the guests we had the opportunity to taste for the first time the new Nespresso Limited Edition, Crealto, warm, intense and creamy taste...So, if you will soon be near by Via D'Azeglio, take a break and go to enjoy a few moments of relaxation by Nespresso.
Presto le foto del mio outfit in dettaglio...Stay tuned! ♥
xoxo, yours LiDì