Magazine Lifestyle
I've always loved New York. Even if this was my first time there, I have always appreciated it because I see it as a place where everybody can chose what to do with their lives without fearing other people's judgments. People in New York (and America) are so much more open minded than people in Italy. For me, New York is a symbol of freedom and equality, two qualities that I still think are pretty hard to find in the country I live in. Moreover, I think it's beautiful.
E' stato il viaggio più bello della mia vita, nonostante qualche inconveniente: i miei bagagli sono andati persi non una, ma ben due volte, sono dovuto rimanere chiuso in albergo per due giorni a causa di Irene ed ho assistito ad un terremoto. Comunque, non ho di certo lasciato che tutto ciò rovinasse la mia vacanza! Ho cercato di visitare un po' tutta Manhattan (vedere anche gli altri boroughs in soli 10 giorni era impossibile) esplorando uno o più quartieri al giorno. Li ho amati tutti. Ecco alcune foto che ho scattato durante il viaggio. Enjoy!
It was the best trip I've ever taken despite a few inconvenients: my luggage got lost not once but twice, I had to stay in the hotel for two days because of Irene and I felt an earthquake. However, I did not let all this spoil my vacation! I tried to visit every part of Manhattan (visiting all the 5 boroughs in 10 days was impossible) exploring one neighborhood (or more) per day. I loved them all. Here are a few pictures that I've taken during the trip. Enjoy!
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