Magazine Cultura
I was born in the south of Spain, but I live in the north.
I studied Philosophy and literature in Spain and France. Now I teach photography and audio-visual means in a High School. I have published photography in the newspaper "El Pais", in "Nat Geo-Spain", and in international magazines of photography as "Phot-Art International" or "Digital Photo Magazine" of Great Britain. During this year 2008 I have realized two individual exhibitions and one collective in Spain.
In March 2009 he obtained a prize for "The Photography Master Cup" (nature) he has been named "Photographer of the Year" (second) in this famous prize. He has also worked for campanies such as modern ballet "Steptex Dance Project" in Bremen-Germany. He has performed several solo and group exhibitions.
For many years Im working in photography as freelance. I like the photography of street and nature. I believe that to the animals we must give them the dignity that sometimes they do not have in the zoos. Also I think that the landscapes can tell us things of us that we do not know really.
All images© Jose A Gallego
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