Da oggi Ovi suite diventa Nokia Suite. I Beta Labs hanno aggiornato Nokia Suite alla versione 3.2.64.
Vediamo il changelog:
- Nokia Ovi Suite is now called Nokia Suite
- The application has a refreshed look and feel
- The new Support view offers info and help with using Nokia Suite and your phone
- The Support view helps make sure you have enough free space on your phone
- The improved sync log shows you what has changed during syncing
- Software updates for your phone software and phone applications run now more reliably
- You might also notice, that Nokia Suite doesn’t anymore run MPlatform.exe process – we’ve removed that from our architecture. You’ll MPlatform.exe still running, if you have Nokia Ovi Player installed into same PC
- Of course, new Nokia Suite 3.2 contains lots more new stuff, huge amount of different errors have been corrected and also many crash issues have been resolved
Per maggiori info e download vi rimando al sito ufficiale.