Consueto appuntamento con il recap degli outfit del mese appena trascorso. Un insolito novembre, troppo caldo per essere un mese autunnale.
Look autunnali tanto diversi tra loro, una cosa l'ho scoperta, ho indossato molto spesso il marrone e ho adottato spesso look così diversi tra loro o stile Mannish o in versione completamente opposta molto romantica e ladylike.
Voi, quale preferite?
Finally in December, the month so loved / hated by me, for my contradictions that characterize me. I love Christmas, the choice of gifts and decorate the house, but the New Year just can not stand .. It makes me anxious and depresses me a little. With all the new projects and good intentions that I stopped doing long ago ..
Usual appointment with the recap of the outfits of the past month. An unusual November, too hot to be an autumn month.
Autumn look much different, one thing I discovered, I wore very thick brown and I adopted often look so different from each other or Mannish style or version completely opposite very romantic and ladylike.
You, what do you prefer?