Magazine Cucina
Yesterday evening i cooked for dinner the classic frozen fish sticks, but Edwin wanted something particular and a more crunchy effect. I then thought to change the breading adding chopped parsley, a sprinkle of salt and garlic powder on the surface and then i baked at 225 degrees for 15 minutes. Usually after this step i served at the table, but the effect was pretty wet and soft, in short it didn't crunch under the teeth. So i tried to set the grill and cook for 5 minutes more... well, we liked it! The result satisfied me, they were fragrant in the outside and juicy in the inside, with a fresh taste given by aromas.. in the end a successful experiment! As side dish Ed made some fries with paprika powder, salt and rosemary. Do you have your own way to prepare fish sticks? Let me know and see you next time!
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