Magazine Arte

Oils on canvas , 70 cm x50 cm. LA CASA DELLE BAMBOLE .THE...

Da Marialuisagiovannini
Oils on canvas , 70 cm x50 cm. LA CASA DELLE BAMBOLE .THE...Oils on canvas , 70 cm x50 cm.
Quando andavo a scuola , passavo sempre davanti ad un negozio di giocattoli .
In vetrina c'erano tantissime bambole , ma il mio preferito era un bambolotto . Il mio compleanno ed altre feste , come il Natale , erano appena passate , quindi non c'era la possibilitá di "averlo".
Cosí , ogni mattina - all'andata ed al ritorno da scuola - mi ritrovavo con il naso incollato alla vetrina , "giocando" con il bambolotto , nella mia fantasia .
Dopo alcuni mesi , mi accorsi che non era proprio necessario "possederlo " , tenerlo tra le mani , ma mi bastava guardarlo ed " andarlo a trovare " .
When I was a kid , going to Primary School , I was always passing by a Toy-Shop .
In the window , there were many dolls , but my favorite was a Baby .
My birthday and other important dates , like Christmas , had already gone by , so there was no way I could get him .
So , every morning - on my way to School and back - I was finding myself with my nose glued to the window , playing with him , in my fantasy .
After a few months , I realized there was no absolute need to " possess " him , to hold him by my hands ; for me it was enough to have a look at and " visit " him .

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