Magazine Lifestyle

Outfit: Flower Bomb

Creato il 16 luglio 2012 da Ileniag @FashionFlakes
Outfit: Flower Bomb
For my first day in London I chose a colorful and comfortable outfit. The main character is my new flower jacket from Zara for sure, perfect for a sunny but yet windy day as it was yesterday. What do u think about it ?Per il mio primo giorno a Londra ho scelto un outfit comodo e colorato. La protagonista è sicuramente la nuova giacca a fiori di Zara, perfetta per una giornata di sole con un leggero vento come quella di ieri. Cosa ne pensate ?Outfit: Flower Bomb
Outfit: Flower Bomb
Outfit: Flower Bomb
Outfit: Flower Bomb
Outfit: Flower BombBomber Jacket: Zara - Shirt: Stradivarius - Shoes: Converse - Bag: H&M - Sunglasses: Ray Ban

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