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Pack original with Jek in the box

Da Fedulab @fedulab
Mancano solo 19 giorni a natale e a breve dovremmo acquistare i fatidici regali natalizi.Oltre ad avere il tipico problema del "cosa" regalare da un paio di anni sono assillata dal "come" presentare. Mi spiego: vorrei trovare una soluzione carina per impacchettare i regali in modo creativo e insolito.Stamattina è arrivata l'illuminazione attraverso le bellissime idee di Jessica Wilson (aka Jek in the box).Perché non usare ritagli di tessuti per le gift tag? Oppure impacchettare in modo originale usando tulle, fili e bottoni? Io li trovo deliziosi e di sicuro mi applicherò.Jessica nel suo blog Scrum Dilly Dilly ha tantissime idee da darvi.Credits: Jek in the box Blog Flickr Etsy
Pack original with Jek in the box
Pack original with Jek in the box
Pack original with Jek in the box
Pack original with Jek in the box

Pack original with Jek in the boxPack original with Jek in the box
Ta dah! Another 19 sleeps till Christmas day and we should buy all the Xmas' gifts.Left aside this time the problem about "what" buy , I'm resolving the problem about "how to" exhibit them. Let me explain: I would like to find a nice solution for a creative and unusual packaging.This morning I've found a greatest inspiration from the beautiful Jessica Wilson's ideas (aka Jek in the box).Why don't use scraps of fabric to make a gift tag? Try to wrap the gifts with tulle, thread and buttons. I think they're so delicious!Jessica on her Scrum Dilly Dilly blog puts a lot of ideas.Credits: Jek in the Box Blog Flickr Etsy

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