![[Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu [Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/250/2503362/pattern-wednesday-what-to-do-when-you-have-go-L-2Zc7NK.jpeg)
Buon Mercoledì a tutti!
Voi cosa fate quando avete preso l'influenza? Ve ne state a letto e riposate un po', giusto? Giusto. Ma se vi siete stancate di passare l'intera giornata a letto (ma barcollate ancora quando vi alzate per andare in bagno), la risposta giusta qual è?
La mia è la seguente: "Fate delle nail art. E bevetevi una bella tazza di vin brûlé.". Sospetto siano state le mie origine venete a parlare, ma voi chiudete un occhio...
What to do when you gotta flu?
A nail art, of course.
Don't panic, I'm not completely insane (yet), but today I asked my self how to make the weekly episode for the Pattern Wednesday. And because I'm tired to spend the entire day at bed, the answer was "Do some nail art. And enjoy a Mulled Wine!". I think have been my venetian roots to speech...
![[Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu [Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/250/2503362/pattern-wednesday-what-to-do-when-you-have-go-L-QWvjB1.jpeg)
Il pattern odierno è questo qui sopra.
Sembra complicato, ma la mia testolina mi ha detto "Eccheccivuole? Fai la fiera del polka dot e hai svoltato. E se poi usi una base rosa, fai pure contenta tua nipote, ché domani è il suo compleanno!". E così ho fatto. In più, siccome avevo l'intera giornata a mia disposizione, ho anche realizzato un mini-tutorial. Spero vi piaccia! Pronti? Via!!
You could see the pattern above. My mind screams to me: "It's easy! Do it with polka dots! And turn it in pink, 'cause tomorrow is your niece birthday!". And so do I.
And because I had some time to spare, I made a short tutorial. I hope you'll enjoy it! Ready? Go!!
![[Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu [Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/250/2503362/pattern-wednesday-what-to-do-when-you-have-go-L-vJ2k0l.jpeg)
Uno smalto colorato
Uno smalto bianco
Due dotter a punta differente
Pennello o cotton fioc
You'll need:
One nail polish to use as base
One nail polish white
Two different pointed dotters
Brush or Q-tips
Nail Polish Remover
Stendete lo smalto che avete scelto come base e lasciatelo asciugare completamente.
Step One
I started painting my nails with essence colour and go #08 ultimate pink (it's a prehistorical shade, mates. Do not search for it.). Let it dry. Completely.
![[Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu [Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/250/2503362/pattern-wednesday-what-to-do-when-you-have-go-L-WJj1Pk.jpeg)
Create con il dotter a punta media un fiorellino. Si tratta di posizionare quattro punti attaccati tra di loro, formando un rombo. A differenza di quanto spiegato in questo tutorial, preferisco lavorare orizzontalmente, così da riempire prima (e meglio) le zone più antipatiche, come i lati dell'unghia. Riempite l'unghia per intero. E semmai aveste fatto qualche casino, ricordatevi che c'è sempre l'acetone...
Step Two
When the base color was completely dry, I took my dotters and I started to work. I make a diamond shape flower connecting 4 dots. I used Shaka Matte White, a bold white polish very easy to manage. Despite how described in this tutorial, I work horizontally, to fill better the edges of my nails. Make six flowers and cover your nail. And if you made some mistakes, remeber: the acetone is the answer!
![[Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu [Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/250/2503362/pattern-wednesday-what-to-do-when-you-have-go-L-b8M4vU.jpeg)
![[Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu [Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/250/2503362/pattern-wednesday-what-to-do-when-you-have-go-L-VgVfXG.jpeg)
A questo punto, prendete di nuovo il colore di base ed il dotter a punta più grande, e create degli altri fiori all'interno del tracciato in bianco. Fine dei giochi. E adesso non vi resta che godervi la vostra tazza di vin brûlé!
Step Three
I took my pink polish again, and with a smaller dotter I fill the white pattern. That's all, mates! And now, you could enjoying your mulled wine cup.
![[Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu [Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/250/2503362/pattern-wednesday-what-to-do-when-you-have-go-L-F4QBpb.jpeg)
Ed ecco fatto, pure il mini-tutorial. Contente?
Come potete vedere, ho scelto di realizzare un accent, perché temevo che il risultato potesse essere troppo massiccio, ma nulla vi vieta di riempire tutte e dieci le unghie! Anzi, magari potreste realizzare ogni unghia con colori e finish diversi, perché no? Per chiudere in bellezza, vi lascio la foto del mio vin brûlé. Se vi interessasse farlo a casa, potete trovare la ricetta qui.
E non dimenticate di andare a vedere cosa hanno combinato le mie compagne di boccetta! Ci conto!!
Acque pacate e dolci risate finché non ci rincontreremo
![[Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu [Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/250/2503362/pattern-wednesday-what-to-do-when-you-have-go-L-4F9yG5.jpeg)
As you can see, I prefer make an accent nail art, because the pattern could be too massive to wear. But you can fill all your nails, maybe changing the colors finger by finger, why not?
Time's up, my friends. I add even the photo of my homemade mulled wine. I follow a family recipe, but if you wanna try it, you could find the recipe here. I'm gotta go back to my bed, but don't forget to take a look at my mates pickes!
Have a nice day!
![[Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu [Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/250/2503362/pattern-wednesday-what-to-do-when-you-have-go-L-86BVw5.jpeg)
![[Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu [Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/250/2503362/pattern-wednesday-what-to-do-when-you-have-go-L-twQYdx.jpeg)
![[Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu [Pattern Wednesday] What to do when you have got flu](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/250/2503362/pattern-wednesday-what-to-do-when-you-have-go-L-oc1E_B.jpeg)
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