Magazine Cucina
Yesterday was a day with rain and storm, but today under a pale sun here i am with a new recipe (one of the last "normal" ones of the month, since soon i will start with the Halloween special). It happens a lot that i want to cook a pasta sauce but.. i don't have the tomato sauce at home, as it happened today. I wanted to prepare gnocchi with meat sauce, but there wasn't the meat, not even all the other ingredients, so i waited for an inspiration for a few minutes and then there it was! I made the pesto rosso, which is nothing more than the traditional genovese pesto (green) with some extras. But let's see how to make it :) For two persons get a little jar of dried tomatoes in oil, 50 g of basil (leaves), two garlic cloves, 3 spoons of grated parmesan, 10 g of pine nuts, salt and olive oil. At this point clean very well the basil and then put together all the ingredients and pound them in a mortar (since i was a little in a hurry i admit i used the food processor..). When everything is finished and the pesto will have the characteristic consistency, add half of the dried tomatoes previously chopped. Cook the gnocchi (or the pasta) for a few minutes and after removing the water mix them with the pesto rosso. Garnish if you want the dishes with the dried tomatoes left.. a big success!
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