Per San Valentino, cancella la tua ex

Da Robven
Per San Valentino, cancella la tua exBrillante idea: per S.Valentino rimuovi tutti/tutte i tuoi ex da Facebook.Si fa pulizia. E su Facebook ti mettono a disposizione un po' di tools per liberarti per sempre del fantasma del passato...Per San Valentino, cancella la tua exLo sponsor del messaggio? YourTango, un sito dedicato alla "relationship", alla consulenza amorosa etc etc..."YourTango is a digital media company dedicated to love and relationships. As the thinking woman's media brand, we are leading the conversation that is closest to women's hearts.YourTango is a digital media company dedicated to love and relationships. No matter what lovestage our users are in—single, taken, engaged, married, starting over, or complicated—we help them live their best love lives.YourTango offers real, relatable text and video content, along with an active, highly engaged community where users learn, affirm, share and connect on matters of the heart."[Branding & Marketing Blog / Venturini]

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