Ci dovrebbe preoccupare il fatto che troppe essenze arboree vengono colpite da parassiti invincibili, ricordiamo l'olmo, il castagno,le drupacee (Ciliegio,mandorlo,susino,albicocco,...),la vite attaccata da l'escoriosi, le palme (comprese quelle autoctone del mediterraneo),l'eucalipto e altre ancora.
Le cause sono molteplici: il trasporto delle piante attraverso i continenti, la selezione genetica rivolta solo al mercato ;le varietà selezionate dai coltivatori erano quelle più rustiche e che producevano frutti più sapidi ed abbondanti, oggi i criteri sono molto cambiati, la ricerca del profitto è il solo obbiettivo. Paterson: Ash dieback will not be eradicated
By Mark Kinver and Matt McGrathBBC NewsEnvironment Secretary Owen Paterson: "The scientific advice is that it won't be possible to eradicate this disease"Continue reading the main storyAsh dieback outbreak
- Ash disease in Scotland
- Ash dieback checks in N Ireland
- Why is dieback making headlines?
- Pest and disease threats to trees
“Start Quote
Regulation must be put in place to ensure this does not happen again”Martin HarperRSPB"There will be some things we do in Defra now that we are going to have to stop doing."Speaking at a briefing, Defra chief scientific adviser Prof Ian Boyd said: "By next season, we could potentially have resistant forms of ash growing in this country."We need to put in scientific research to try and get genetic markers for resistance so that we can go out into our current woodlands that have not been infected and identify trees that might survive relative to those who might not survive."