600 gr di carne di tacchino biologica macinata3 cucchiai di grana o parmigiano grattugiato3 cucchiai di pangrattato 3-4 foglie di basilico bio fresco tritato2 uova biologiche1 ciuffo di prezzemolo fresco bio1 spicchio d'aglio bio

funghi champignon freschi a fettine q.b.
sott'oli, capperi dissalati, olive al peperoncino q.b.
Condimento Antico Moro Acetaia Bindana di Cavazza 1898

Quando sarà cotta, prima di fare le porzioni, irrorarla a piacere, con il Condimento Antico Moro di Cavazza 1898, che le darà un tocco ancor più gustoso! Tagliare a spicchi come se fosse una vera pizza.
Stupirete amici e parenti, riscuotendo gran successo!
Per realizzare questa ricetta ho avuto il validissimo aiuto dei prodotti eccezionali e versatili di: Bioitalia http://www.bioitalia.it/Cavazza 1898 http://www.cavazza1898.com/Casali Cellini http://www.casalicellini.it/

ENGLISH VERSIONMeat pizza in my own way Nigella Ingredients (for 4 people):600 grams of minced meat turkey biological3 tablespoons grated parmesan or grana3 tablespoons of breadcrumbs3 -4 bio chopped fresh basil leaves2 organic eggs1 sprig of fresh parsley bio1 clove of garlic bioHimalayan Pink Salt Spices Casali Cellini to tastetomato sauce bio q.b.Extra Virgin Organic Olive Bioitalia to taste2 mozzarella biologicalsliced fresh mushrooms q.b.pickles , capers , olives pepper to tasteAntico Moro Vinegar Dressing Bindana of Cavazza 1898 to tasteProcessing:Preheat the oven at 170-180 ° C.In a small saucepan , sauté the garlic in the excellent Bioitalia Organic extra virgin olive oil and pour the past , salt and basil; chop the parsley .Make a paste with the minced meat , eggs , grated cheese , breadcrumbs, parsley and fragrant Pink Salt Spices Casali Cellini.Grease a baking sheet and stretch out the meat mixture , pressing it with a spoon so that it replaces the pizza dough .Sprinkle with spoonfuls of tomato sauce and lay on top of the mozzarella cheese , cut into thin slices.Garnish with pickles , olives, red pepper, fresh mushrooms , capers and basil leaves.Bake for about 30 minutes ; the meat should be cooked and the cheese will spin .When cooked , before serving sizes , irrorarla at will, with the seasoning of Antico Moro Cavazza 1898 that will add a touch even more tasty!Cut into wedges like a real pizza .Amazed friends and family, enjoying great success !To make this recipe , I had the valuable help of exceptional products and versatile :
Bioitalia http://www.bioitalia.it/ Cavazza 1898 http://www.cavazza1898.com/ Casali Cellini http://www.casalicellini.it/