English version below

A dispetto dello scioglilingua questa pizzeria offre semplicità e qualità a prezzi contenuti, non aspettatevi ricami o ghirigori. Provate ad esempio una bella margherita con impasto a lunga lievitazione e un sapore leggero. Sarete accolti da un bancone obliquo e la singolare campana che potrete suonare se la pizza vi piace, unsegno di giubilo che vi invitiamo assolutamente a dare nel caso siate soddisfatti. I pazzi per la pizza troveranno sicuramente appagante il gusto e la semplicità che in questo caso fa rima con qualità.

La gente a volte sta proprio fuori di melone (la gente esta muy loca, vero Johnny?) come l'asporto di Pizza pazza per i pazzi della pizza ma non è assolutamente un male, almeno così la pensa Sak Noel. Ascoltate questo pezzo con la pizza in mano, vi assicuro che non è una pizza ma la sua ballabile cadenza vi farà impazzire.
DA NON PERDERE: Pizza in tutte le sfumature rosse e bianche!!!
English version below


Italian cured ham, mozzarella, base aubergine
A funny pun, Pizza Pazza per i Pazzi della Pizza (which means "crazy pizza for people crazy about pizza") despite the joke in its name, proves to be a guarantee for quality pizza. The shops seems to attract loads of people from the district where it is located, and many of them became faithful customers who come here to grab fresh, tasteful pizzas at a fair price. The shop itself isn't that special, and the area is plain residential, no frills around here, and few attractions for tourists. It is kind of old, more in the atmosphere than anything. Still, this can be the definitive way to ascertain whether a pizza is good or not. Locals know shops in their area more than everyone and, whenever they pick up their fave, you can be 100% sure it is a well worth one. So, Pizza Pazza may be the case as well.Have a look at their FB page, a feast for your eyes. Uncountable mouth-watering pizzas displayed in front of your eyes tell how much passion, creativity, and hard work is put to reach such a perfection. Impossible to say what the best is, but we tasted some and are delightful to introduce our choices: a mozzarella-based, anchovies and zucchini flowers plus, a thinly sliced grilled aubergine one with prosciutto and fresh mozzarella. Plain margherita is fine as well - light, thin, crunchy, with a refreshing hint of basil and the sweet simplicity of a genuine, freshly made tomato sauce. No frills in the area, no frills in the pizza, no frills even in the supplì and the like, who respect tradition following classical recipes. We'd find an original touch more in the bell at the counter... you're supposed to shake it cheerfully if you like their pizza. Won't you try and shake it too?

The perfect soundtrack: crazy people about pizza, or crazy people in general? Whatever it is, this song is totally agreeing!
Pizza Pazza per i Pazzi della Pizza highlights: the bell!