Temevo sarebbe stato strano, forse persino triste.
Invece ho passato il più bel Natale da quando non sono più bambina: il mare, 18 gradi, gauffres e Churros alla nutella al Luna Park di Montecarlo, la Croisette col sole in faccia, il mio amato Cafè de Paris, gli alberi addobbati in spiaggia, pancake e caminetti accesi...
I posti del cuore, le persone del cuore.
È stato speciale, è stato dolcissimo. Come spero sia stato il vostro.
This year, for a number of valid reasons, I decided to spend Christmas away from home, 'alone' with my two men.
I was afraid it would have been strange, perhaps even sad.
Instead I spent the best Christmas since i am not a child: the sea, 18 degrees, gauffres and Churros with Nutella at Luna Park in Monte Carlo, the Croisette with the sun in my face, my beloved Café de Paris, the decorated trees at the beach, pancakes and fireplace...
The places of the heart, the people of the heart.
It was special, it was sweet. I hope it was the same for you.