Each particular piece is characterized by an unconventional and unique choice which is revealed with the use of fine materials such as galuchat, a leather made from rayfish skin, typical of the Louis XV era.Giuliana’s style is often changing, it can be ironical, profane and even provocative. Her themes always combine different elements inspired by architecture, marine biology books, macro and texture photos, sculptorial and even anatomical elements.
Her modern and original jewelry is designed with the unusual combination of materials like silver, black ruthenium and polychrome enamels. The willingness to experiment enhances her skills focusing on the minerals while using diamonds, sapphires and other precious stones as a “frame” thus changing their classical role. This surreal mood creates an imaginary dimension where the details make a difference.
The functional and aestetical pursuit of every piece is supported also by a “Made in Italy” craft and the meticulous attention to detail. This is why the designer personally follows every phase, from the choice of stone to the prototypical creation as well as the production’s final steps.This style between perception and experimenting takes form in the production of unique and limited edition pieces, where she mixes exclusive materials and their different contrasting colors to achieve a special combination between trend and elegance.
On Jannuary 31, 2012 her second collection titled “Radiolarian” was officially presented in the AltaRoma collateral events calendar, with an extraordinary performance by Quiet Ensemble.