Magazine Cultura
There are many girls living in brothels as sex workers, some of them under eighteen and totally forbidden to show their identity outside of the brothel
sex working at lunch while A client waiting for her service.
large numbers of sex workers have children of their own or ‘adopt’ other children, by way of confirming a relationship with a regular client.
People are always being curious outside at the brothel when a visitor come from city or abroad.
There are many girls living in brothels as sex workers, some of them under eighteen and totally forbidden to show their identity outside of the brothel.
Dealing with client at Brothel.
Lives encompass the heights of paradise and the depths of hell
All images © Liton Masud Alam
Masud Alam Liton is a documentary photographer based in Dhaka,Bangladesh.
He got interested in photography and completed Graduation in photography and photojournalism from Pathshala- South Asian Institute of photography, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Liton’s prime interest on social issue and human rights documentaries. He believes that people can get help by photography and know what happening around the world.
His photographs published in some local Newspapers.
He won first prize BPS (Bangladesh photographic society) Photo contest-2005,
China international press photo award (CHIPP) in daily life (Bronze) 2009
SOTIRI international prize for young photographers- 2009
LUCEO Images Winner- 2010
WIne photo award -2010
Liton working as a freelance photographer.
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