Magazine Creazioni
125 gr di yogurt;250 gr di zucchero bianco;350 gr di farina 00;2 uova;3 cucchiai di olio extra vergine d'oliva;1 bustina di lievito per dolci;1/2 bicchiere di latte freddo;1 vasetto di crema spalmabile Novi;
zucchero a velo q.b.
Sbattete le uova con lo zucchero, unite lo yogurt, l'olio, la farina e il lievito setacciati, mescolate bene.Foderate una tortiera con la carta da forno, versatevi il composto, fatelo cuocere a 180°C per circa 30 minuti.Sfornate la torta, lasciatela raffreddare, poi tagliatela orizzontalmente, spalmatela con il cioccolato spalmabile Novi, ricomponetela e spolverizzatela di zucchero a velo.
On Friday afternoon, while I rocked the baby carriage with a foot to send Agata to sleep, at the same time with the hands I baked a simple and yummy cake, the Yogurtella (recommended here by Rita).During the preparation, I realized that I wanted to amend it with a couple of small modifications following our taste at home (chocolate cream Novi instead of Nutella...homage to the city where we live...and addition of milk), so here I write you the recipe which I used to bake the cake.Do try it, it's amazing, simple and quick to bake and excellent for the whole family!
125 gr of yogurt;250 gr of white sugar;350 gr of pastry flour;2 eggs;3 spoons of extra virgin olive oil;1 sachet of baking powder for desserts;1/2 glass of cold milk;1 pot of chocolate cream Novi;icing sugar as required.
Cream the eggs with the sugar, add the yogurt, the oil, then also the sifted flour and baking powder, mix everything.
Cover a baking pan with the baking paper, pour the mixture, cook it at 180°C for 30 minutes.Take the cake out of the oven, let it cool down, then cut it horizontally, cream it with the cream chocolate Novi, reset it and sift it with icing sugar.
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