Magazine Cucina
This recipe reminds me of a street in London called Green Lanes. It’s a very long road full of jewellery shops with hundreds of glittering bracelets and necklaces all exposed in windows that shine in a blaze of opulence and then there are the halal butcheries and many many bakeries and Turkey grocery shops with exotic names packed with delicacies I didn’t know anything about, but that I learned to appreciate . The list is endless, from halloumi cheese that I loved grilled and served with a mixed salad of lettuce, cucumbers, spring onions and tomatoes, to the crispy sweets scattered with sesame seeds, to the small diamonds of overly sweet baklava, or the thiny "cigars" of thin phyllo pastry stuffed with dried fruit and fried. And then jars of roasted peppers put into brine, and jars of this red sauce the ajvar, the mysterious name , the intense flavour and I was conquered immediately. Ajvar it’s comes from the Balkan region and I have always eaten it on slices of toasted bread, or accompanied by raw vegetables. It's also excellent as an accompaniment to meat dishes. There are many varieties that space from mild to fiercely hot. I like it of medium intensity but the chilli I used was really hot and so the sauce came out quite spicy, never mind I’m going to enjoy it anyway!
For a 250 ml jar of and a 200 ml one:
2 large red peppers
1 small aubergine
1 small fresh red chilli
1-2 cloves of garlic
1-2 tablespoons of olive oil
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon white wine vinegar or lemon juice
Preheat the oven to 220°C. Put the aubergine in a baking dish along with the chilli and cook in the oven for about 30 /40 minutes or until the aubergine is soft and the chilli skin has turned dark. Roast the peppers on the stove , on the direct flame to char the skin. Once the peppers are cooked put them in a plastic bag, close tightly and let them rest for about 10 minutes. Peel the aubergine, peel the peppers and take the seeds out, then put the vegetables in a blender. Add the remaining ingredients and blend until you get a thick and rustic sauce. Let it rest for at least an hour before serving to allow the flavours to develop. Pour into jars thoroughly cleaned and stored in the fridge.
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