Magazine Creazioni
Rings & Tings: monthly items and a special discount for you!
Da Made With Love By Chiara @ChiaraVitaloniRings & Tings inizia la sua storia così: una bancarella nel mercato di Brick Lane, a East London.
La bancarella diventa sempre più popolare di settimana in settimana e presto Rings & Tings si trasferisce in un piccolo studio. Contemporaneamente sbarca sul web con lo shop online.
Nei primi mesi del 2012, Rings & Tings si sposta in un ufficio più grande, con un team creativo dedicato a Hong Kong IslandRings and Tings is an online fashion store stocking the most unique piece of FASHION at a reasonable price. From Jewellery to watches, every detail is important and can add character to an outfit. Rings and Tings will be there to provide that little special treasure that shall be cherished forever.
Rings & Tings started off as a petite boutique stall in Brick Lane market selling unique rings and things In East London.
The little stall was getting more popular by the week and soon Rings & Tings moved into its own little studio space (Our London apartment!!) and its own shop URL.
After Joys and Yiunam both graduated in early 2012, Rings & Tings moved to a bigger office with a dedicated creative team in Hong Kong Island. Vi mostro cosa ho ricevuto:I'll show you what I kindly received: Collana Tour Eiffel e corona; adoro questi charms!Tour Eiffel and Crown Necklace; I love these charms! Anello dorato con croce...mi piace davvero indossato sull'anulare accanto alla fede.Golden cross ring...I really like it next to my wedding ring. Bracciale con teschi indossato da mio marito: lui è più tipo da teschi ;)Skulls bracelet (worn by my hubbie)Sconto del 10% a voi dedicato inserendo il codice:
"STYLECARD10" ("STYLECARD10" - Enter this at checkout to get 10% off all items)!
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Made With Love By Chiara
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