Cartamodello del tank sovietico "Russian Medium T 28". Prodotto da Modelcraft tra la fine del 1942 e l'inizio del 1943 appartiene alla serie "Tanks British, USA and Russian" composta di sei modelli in totale. Misure 9 x 13 cm."Russian Medium T 28" cardmodel published by Modelcraft in late 1942 or early 1943. It is part of series "Tanks British, USA and Russia". Card 5 of 6. Size 9 x 13 cm.Notes on the recto: Russian Medium – This clean-lined vehicle is designed on the Vickers 16-ton medium tank. It weighs 28 1/2 tons, however, and has a speed of about 22 miles per hour. It will be noticed that it has no less than twelve bogey wheels on each side. It is 24 feet 4 inches long, 9 feet 4 inches high and 9 feet 2 inches wide. The main turret is round and houses a short barrel 76.2 mm. gun. Auxiliary turrets are mounted side by side in front. Four machine-guns are carried. Tanks of this type have been used in large numbers and with great success in the Russian formations.