Shabby Chic On Friday: My Frenchy Cottage...

Creato il 10 febbraio 2012 da Thinkshabby @ThinkShabby

Oggi vorrei consigliarvi uno shop su Etsy veramente carino: My Frenchy Cottage  Ha tantissimi oggetti vintage, come quelli che si rovano nei nostri amati mercatini, potrete sbizzarrirvi nella ricerca o prendere ispirazione d'arredo, fate voi, di sicuro le idee non mancano!!! Buon weekend!!
Today I would like to recommend a really nice shop on Etsy:
My Frenchy Cottage

It has lots of vintage items,
such as those that we found in our loved markets,
you can pick any research or take inspiration furniture,
you do, certainly not lacking ideas!
Have a great weekend!

  Shabby Chic on Friday

Casa Shabby Chic

La Gatta sul tetto Think Shabby Victorian age

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