Sharon Van Etten - Leonard - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 12 giugno 2012 da Lesto82

musica,video,testi,traduzioni,sharon van etten,video sharon van etten,testi sharon van etten,traduzioni sharon van etten

Già in occasione dell'uscita di "Tramp"(n.75 negli Usa) avevamo ascoltato qualcosa dal suo cd.Ora c'è il video ufficiale di "Leonard" e quindi ritorniamo sulla cantautrice indie folk Sharon Van Etten.La 31enne del New Jersey non smette di regalarci intense emozioni con la sua voce delicata e appassionata.



There he goes.
He finally closed the door.
I turn the lock feeling more confused than before
What gives?
I thought that you would love more.
Now you're a coward, sure.
Then he rings.
Look in his eyes.
He loves you.
Well, well
I am bad.
Well, well, hell.
I am bad.
He's smart.
He leaves me wanting more,
Knowing that I gave less
And knowing why.
Time is what I would need.
Full of myself, indeed
Just walk away,
He loved you.
Well, well
I am bad.
Well, well, hell
I am bad at loving.
You know that I trusted you
But I could not let you do
To just fall in,
I wanted to try for you,
Wanted to die for you--
Dramatic things,
The Lies...
I loved you.
Well, well.
I am bad
Well, well, hell
I am bad at loving you.


Voto 7/10


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