Ciao stelline!
Hi, my little stars!
Salvataggio numero 5! Per Andare al lavoro ho scelto un paio di deco borchiate, direttamente dalla Babouska Collection di Gucci, mi ricordo ancora quanto persi la testa alla loro uscita…Volevo tutto ciò che fosse Babouska XD ahah!
Here my fifth Shoe challenge ;D! I choosen my Gucci Studded Bobouska pumps to go work: I remember well the day when this collection was launched, I was really become crazy about all of those Babouska items!
WHAT: Gucci decollete Babouska
WHEN: March 15th
WHY: to go work
WHIT: tartan skirt+striped sweather+brown wolly thighs
Close Up:
Eh, qua son vecchiotte e molto usate, ma le amo e non le mollerò facilmente! Le ho trovate in saldo, ovviamente dopo diverse stagioni dal lancio, ed ero indecisa tra queste e quelle con il cuore..ç__ç Mi pento di non averle prese entrambe!
As you can see in these photos, they are a bit old and see worn, but i love them a lot, and I don’t easily abandon my Gucci’s!! I bought them on sale, some seasons after the launch obviously, and I wasn’t able to choose between this and another pair in total black ad a cute-cute heart shaped detail on the toes.
Ho scelto di indossarle con calze di lana marroni e gonna check abbinata al maglioncino a strisce. Sopra il cappottino caban *_*.
I worn these with striped sweather in red and cream, a skirt in grey and red check and brown wolly thighs. As coat i choosen a navy caban!