Richard Kelly shot his first film Donnie Darko in 2001 becoming a cult movie very quickly, even if the failing collection at the box office. Donnie Darko is difficult to understand, in fact it's open to many interpretations, but we can find its same bizarre themes in the short The Goodbye Place.It revolves around a lonely child abused by his mother, who can't stand him. He can see around strange phantoms who are present in his life trying to led him in an invisible place where you never come back: many children are lost there inside. Sense of abandon, missing characters, invisible phantoms are all recurring elements in Donnie Darko too, combined to bring about paradoxal's sense and chaos on waht is real and what not. In fact audience's point of view is the same for the character, so we both trust same things.Also this short is open to many interpretations as desire to escape or social protest.
Donnie Darko è l'imperscrutabile film di Richard Kelly divenuto cult nonostante i suoi disastrosi incassi al botteghino. E' un film aperto a tante interpretazioni, tuttavia alcuni suoi elementi paradossali possono essere ritrovati in uno dei suoi primi cortometraggi The Goodbye Place. Un bambino maltrattato dalla madre vede figure inesistenti che lo osservano e intervengono nella sua vita quotidiana, cercando di condurlo in un posto da cui nessun bambino fa mai più ritorno.