Magazine Disegni

Simone Marchetti (eu gosto das cores)

Da Fromnatalia
Vermelho, amarelo, azul...Ele tem um estilo incrível!A coisa mais bonita ... o sorriso!
While doing these portraits I was thinking in brazilian portuguese..This is freedom!
I've been in my studio for a couple of days, really concentrated on portraits.I'm having soooo much fun 'cause my imagination goes really fast. (as usual).
Nowadays the good vibe really smells like christmas...I have time to do really what I like:drawings for my friends and family, portraits of inspiring people...I feel in a good company!
I think it's quite interesting to paint surfers, friends, fashion icons, relatives..and give to all of them a "sameness" of the "resmini touch".Eu gosto das cores!luv u allxxx

Simone Marchetti (eu gosto das cores)Simone Marchetti (eu gosto das cores)Simone Marchetti (eu gosto das cores)Simone Marchetti (eu gosto das cores)
Simone Marchetti (eu gosto das cores)

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