Magazine Lifestyle

Simply having a wonderful Christmas time

Creato il 25 dicembre 2010 da Musadinessuno @lamusadinessuno
E' un Natale veramente insolito questo - il primo Natale trascorso da soli insieme, lontano dalle famiglie d'origine, in contatto con gli amici attraverso internet, in bilico tra due culture e tradizioni.Abbiamo cercato di mettere su un pranzo casalingo che facesse da ponte tra la nostra amata Italia e la nazione che ci sta ospitando in questi giorni.This is a very unusual Christmas for us - our first Christmas together alone, far from our families, in touch with our friends through internet, in between two cultures and traditions. We tried and eat a homemade lunch which could connect our beloved Italy and the country which is hosting us these days.
Del vino non ci siamo fidati: brindisi a base di birra!Antipasti a base di formaggi e salsine in cui intingere una selezione di crackerSpezzatino di carne e contorno di cavoletti di bruxelles (sono la mia perversione, da quandoFruit pudding e torroncini.Caffè.Molto amore.We didn't trust local wine: beer cheers for us!Appetizers: a cracker selection to match a cheese board and tasty dippings Beef steak in ale and brussel sprouts as side dish (I LOVE them, I can't stop eating them)Fruit pudding and small chops of torrone.Coffee.Much love.
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Simply having a wonderful Christmas time
Buon Natale a tutti voi!Merry Christmas everyone! 
No brand shirt, sweater and wool trousersGucci patent leather pumps (from my friend Amalia's closet) Make up: MAC foundation and lipstick, Guerlain eyeshadow, Benefit eye pencil, YSL mascara
Don't forget Madame Renard + Musadinessuno Giveaway!

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