Le slippers sono nient'altro che la versione più modaiola e rivisitata delle straconosciute ballerine; per la prossima stagione negli showroom Zara potete scegliere tra 20 modelli diversi: in tessuto, vernice, cavallino, pelle, strass,... declinate in tantissimi colori!!!Lasciate da parte bikers e tacchi 12 e lanciatevi in questa nuova moda come perfette fashion bloggers !!!
Today slippers-shoes are the most trendy, chic and also more comfortable shoes of the moment! Perfect with tight ankle pants, with opaque tights and short skirts and with maxi long skirts... are the must-have of this summer.
Slippers are the revised and more fashionable
version of flats; for the upcoming season in the Zara showrooms you can choose between 20 different models: made of fabric, lacquered, made of leather, with strass,... all in many colors!
Leave bikers boots and 12 cm heels and launch in this new fashion as perfect fashion bloggers!
American poster '50s
Australian model Miranda Kerr
photo by google immagini e pinterest